
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Spoke 14: The Biblewheel and The 14th Century

Spoke 14: The Biblewheel and The 14th Century

When you look at the pattern of the Biblewheel, where the pattern of the Hebrew Alphabet, being 22 letters is found not only in the Alphabetic Psalms and poetic parts of the Bible, but also found in the pattern of books and chapters and numerical values within the text as well (days, years, amounts mentioned in the text).

This alpha-numerical pattern is found in history as well. In this case let us compare the Spokes of the Biblewheel with the books of the Bible related to the Spoke as well as the letter of the Hebrew Alphabet.

The 14th Spoke with Post-Christian History of the 14th Century and Links
Spoke 14: The Biblewheel and The 14th Century
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- the invention of siege engines and gun powder;

Alexios II of Trebizond and his victory against the Turcomen;

Irene Palaiologina of Trebizond and her sister Anna succeeding on the throne;

Basil of Trebizond wins a supernatural victory over the Turcomen during a thunderstorm;

Andronikos III of Trebizond murders his brothers;

Tamerlane conquers the Golden Horde and the world population is reduced by 5%;

- the Avignon Papacy also called the Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy and the Western Schism caused the popes to resettle in Avignon for 70 years in order to end the Templars because king Philip IV owed them a large amount of debt;

- the Black Death plague spreads throughout Europe.

- Pope Boniface VIII and his involvement with foreign affairs

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