
Saturday, January 20, 2018

Spoke 13: The Biblewheel and The 13th Century

Spoke 13: The Biblewheel and The 13th Century

When you look at the pattern of the Biblewheel, where the pattern of the Hebrew Alphabet, being 22 letters is found not only in the Alphabetic Psalms and poetic parts of the Bible, but also found in the pattern of books and chapters and numerical values within the text as well (days, years, amounts mentioned in the text).

This alpha-numerical pattern is found in history as well. In this case let us compare the Spokes of the Biblewheel with the books of the Bible related to the Spoke as well as the letter of the Hebrew Alphabet.

The 13th Spoke with Post-Christian History of the 13th Century and Links
Spoke 13: The Biblewheel and The 13th Century
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population into the cities;

- the Albigensian heresy led to the inquisition of the matter and followed by the crusade by Pope Innocent III;

- after the takeover of the Byzantine territories by the Latins, Tzar Kaloyan of the Bulgarian empire, in his battle of Adrianople supposedly used Baldwin I's head for a drinking cup. While this might be a rumor he certainly did it with Boniface I of Montferrat who ruled Thessalonica (Just like what the Philistines did to king Saul's head in the 13th book 1Chronicles 10);

Michael VIII Paleiologos works as mercenary of the Christian band in the Turkish Sultanate of Rum. He returns to Nicaea and reconquers the west except for Constantinople. One of his generals Alexios Strategopoulos conquers the city overnight and Baldwin II the Latin king flees with his men;

Kaykhusraw II (who faced the Mongol invasion) was half Greek as well as his son Kaykaus II and had Christian mercenaries, including Michael VIII Paleiologos;

Andronikos II Paleiologos the son of Michael VIII takes over the throne until the first third of the 14th Century;

Thomas Aquinas was said to be absent minded but that was probably his mind was continually working for knowledge (1Chronicles the 13th book begins with gathering of information/knowledge);

Genghis Khan rises to power after being intimidated by his surroundings like David;

Genghis Khan is still worshiped in Mongolia;

- the empire of Trebizond is founded by David Komnenos of Trebizond and his brother Alexios I, the son of Manuel and grand-son of Andronikos (Byzantine Emperor);

Andronikos I of Trebizond is victorious over the Seljuk Turks due to a storm but gives credit to Saint-Eugenios instead of God;

John I of Trebizond was the son of Alexios I of Trebizond and the brother of his successor Manuel I of Trebizond;

Manuel I of Trebizond chose his son Andronikos II to be his successor just as David chose Solomon in the 13th book 1Chronicles;

Andronikos II begins trade and gains recognition by the Genoese and western Europe;

John II of Trebizond's rule faced a Seljuk invasion and many cities were left uninhabited.

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