
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Spoke 6: The Biblewheel and The 6th Century

Spoke 6: The Biblewheel and The 6th Century

When you look at the pattern of the Biblewheel, where the pattern of the Hebrew Alphabet, being 22 letters is found not only in the Alphabetic Psalms and poetic parts of the Bible, but also found in the pattern of books and chapters and numerical values within the text as well (days, years, amounts mentioned in the text).

This alpha-numerical pattern is found in history as well. In this case let us compare the Spokes of the Biblewheel with the books of the Bible related to the Spoke as well as the letter of the Hebrew Alphabet.

The 6th Spoke with Post-Christian History of the 6th Century and Links
Spoke 6: The Biblewheel and The 6th Century
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Gregory (bishop of Rome) and Augustine preach to the Brits (to live is Christ and to die is gain in Philippians);

Kaleb of Axum, king of Axum Ethiopia, named after Caleb of the Bible defends Christians in the Middle East;

- the Justinian dynasty (which includes Justin I, Justinian I and Justin II) lasts 2/3 of the 6th century;

Justinian I reconquers the Mediterranean (like Joshua did Canaan);

- Empress Theodora was said to be a harlot who became the wife of Justinian I;

- the Nika riots was when Justinian I thought to flee the palace but Theodora his wife persuaded him to stay, be courageous and not give up his crown;

Tiberius II Constantine removes the taxation on the bread and the wine which Justinian I had placed.

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