
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Amos Menu

Biblewheel ==> Amos (The 8th Book of the 2nd Cycle of the Biblewheel, 30th Book Overall)

Introduction to the Biblewheel.

Check the 7 churches of  Asia Minor  and  church history  in relation to the Alphanumerical position of the books of the Bible where each book number links with each century. Be sure to view my channel on  youtube  and my  pinterest  page. Also check the  Biblewheel menu  comparing each book, chapter and so on with one another.

Comparing Amos
Return to the Biblewheel menu

Update history

November 25, 2023

Comparing of mountains and morning:

Spoke 4: Comparing Amos 4 with Ezekiel 7;

Comparing of pestilence, bread and sword:

Spoke 4: Comparing Amos 4 with Ezekiel 14;

Here is the table format of the diagram of the innerwheel of 2Chronicles' 36 chapters. The 1st column displays the 22 spokes as in the spokes of a wheel. The 2nd column are the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet associated to the spokes. And the other 2 columns are the 2 cycles of chapters of 2Chronicles.

I will illustrate the pages of the innerwheel of 2Chronicles as (2Chronicles X y ) where X is the spoke number and y is the cycle. For example:

2Chronicles 1 is (2Chronicles 11) because it's the 1st chapter of the 1st cycle.

On the other hand:

2Chronicles 36 is (2Chronicles 142 because it's the 14th chapter of the 2nd cycle.

Menu of Amos' Chapters and Links
Spokes as in the spokes of a wheel - The innerwheel of Amos The Hebrew Alphabetic Letter Related to Each Spoke The 1st Cycle of the Innerwheel of Amos expressed as (Amos X1) Where X represents the Spoke and the subscript is the Cycle
Spoke 1 א - Aleph Amos 1
Spoke 2 ב - Beith Amos 2
Spoke 3 גֹ - Gimel Amos 3
Spoke 4 ר - Daleth Amos 4
Comparing of mountains and morning:

Spoke 4: Comparing Amos 4 with Ezekiel 7;

Comparing of pestilence, bread and sword:

Spoke 4: Comparing Amos 4 with Ezekiel 14.
Spoke 5 ה - Hey Amos 5
Spoke 6 ו - Vav Amos 6
Spoke 7 ז - Zayin Amos 7
Spoke 8 חֹ - Chet Amos 8
Spoke 9 ט - Tet Amos 9

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